Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Quote of the Week

"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." ~ Mae West

Mae's quote is brief, clear, and pointedly profound. We tend to rush through our days working, parenting, homemaking, fretting, and taking care of the business of life. But do we take the time to really live? Even when we are busy we can put more living in our daily activities.

Make a point to connect with the people you encounter each day. Really look at them and take an interest and you will be rewarded by the response you get. Challenge yourself when you have a difficult job to get done and then be proud when you succeed. Find opportunities for growth when times are tough. And don't forget to stop and smell the roses, figuratively and literally. Moments of pleasure throughout your day will help your feel good Endorphins stay elevated and you will be happier. And that is doing it right.

1 comment:

  1. I am sooooo excited about your new book!!! I can't wait to buy a SIGNED copy! :-) Congratulations!!! You are an AMAZING writer. You are the perfect example of the secret of a good writer...good writers, write! :-) Can't wait to read your next piece
