It is freeeezing in Southern California. Not technically freezing, but to us it is really cold. We Californians live here for the warm weather. We put up with congested freeways, expensive housing, high taxes, and the threat of earthquakes so we can bask in the sunshine all year round. We do, however, have our version of winter. Last night I was awakened by wind blown hail battering my bedroom windows. I did have to get up and look outside because any type of weather is exciting to us. Precipitation is a rare and usually welcome event. After two or three winter storms (consisting of maybe an inch of rain), we consider our winter over and are ready for the return of our enviable weather. Last week, as is typical for February, was warm and sunny. Time to put the sweaters away and move back outdoors, or so we thought. It is cold again! Old Man Winter is wearing out his welcome.

Snow is beautiful and provides opportunities for winter
sports or bundling up and walking through the soft white flakes, or the
brightness after the storm. Rain is not so inviting, but what is cozier than a
good book beside the fireplace. While living in Alaska we avoided Cabin Fever
by socializing. Dinner and board games always made for a fun evening. Many a
cold dark night we spent in friends homes, or had them to ours, laughing and
sharing, without a thought to the conditions on the other side of the door. Cherished memories were made during those evenings.

To put a positive note on our colder, longer than normal winter, we will head up to our local mountains and enjoy some skiing on the fresh, new snow. If you are feeling the winter blahs, find something to do that makes you smile. Spring is just around the corner.